Legal Warning

Identification data of the information society service provider

In accordance with the provisions of article 10 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on services of the information society and electronic commerce, the user of this website is informed of the following:

The website has been created with the purpose of informing the user about the products and services that we offer and that they can access from the same technological platform.

The domain, the website and all its content is the property of Proof Water Wear S.L., registered in the Mercantile Registry of Madrid with CIF: B87566220

Users who consider it appropriate can contact the company in a clear, direct and effective way through the following channels:

 Registered office: C/ Arcauete, 3. Zp: 28022 Madrid.

 Telephone: +34 600 41 39 58

 Email: This is the medium that we will use as the main one so that users can contact us at any time in a simple and free way. In this way, we guarantee a more fluid and effective communication.

Acceptance and validity of the general and particular conditions

The navigation and use of all the products that appear on this web page, attribute to you the condition of user and implies your acceptance in its entirety and without reservation of all the conditions, whether general or particular, in force at the moment in which that you access it.

Proof Water Wear S.L. reserves the right to unilaterally expand and modify, at any time and without prior notice, the presentation, configuration and contents of the website, as well as temporarily suspend the presentation, configuration, technical specifications and services of the website, in the same way.

Peninsula Shipments
Rates Price How long does it take to arrive?
Fixed rate 4,90€  24 – 48 hours
Baleares Shipments
Rates Price How long does it take to arrive?
Fixed rate 7,90€  48 – 72 hours
Canary Islands, Ceuta and Melilla Shipments
Rates Price How long does it take to arrive?
Fixed rate 15€  48 – 72 hours
Peninsular Shipments
Rates Price How long does it take to arrive?
Fixed rate 4,90€  48 – 72 hours
Shipping Europe
Tarifas Precio ¿Cuánto tarda en llegar?
Fixed rate 14,90€  5 – 7 business days
Mexico / USA Shipments
Rates Price How long does it take to arrive?
Fixed rate 35€ 7 – 10 business days

If your order has not arrived and the indicated time limit has passed, write us an email 📌 All shipping conditions are counted from the day of purchase as long as it is before 2:00 p.m.